Just A Dream

I wake with a start
A kiss jolting me to reality
It was just a dream

I can still feel your heat
your soft lips
It was just a dream

I held your hand
It felt right in mine
It was just a dream

You stole my breath
Your face near mine
Your eyes shining
with love I used to see
But it was just a dream


it is easier to believe
your own lies
To accept a world
created from hurt
Someplace to hide
when life plays too rough
we welcome fantasy
something to relieve our minds
our hearts from pain
if we did not build pretty facades
Did not delude ourselves
Then maybe
just maybe
we could find some peace
A little solitude
in feeling
that we were actually
seeking a future less bleak


Love they say is a lasting thing
Something you can count on
Like a rock, I heard someone say

But love is fickle
love is vain
A myth built on wishful thinking
that one human can, will
wants to be all to another
A silly dream made by dreamers
with more time than brains
Humans hurt, kill, torture
There is no love
to speak of in this world
designed by such men
as the ones I gave my heart to

False Advocates

They wear their sexuality like pink cloaks
wrapping themselves in social stereotypes
Slender hipped, tight, toned, Abercrombie cute
Style painted in shades of designer hues
on their too tight denim and popped collar polos
Clones of counter culture, pretending individuality
Cookie-cutter cuties like Kewpie dolls, boy Barbies
Speaking a language steeped in lisps, silly slang
Singing diversity, begging equality, giving the enemy
every reason to ignore them

To Dream

Broken dreams
fall from my heart
like raindrops
on desert lands
Wasted drops of hope
that will never quench
undying thirst
Count me out
for counting on anything
I have no more patience
for dreaming

I Know Your Secrets

You always wore
your indiscretions
with a self-righteous smile
A clown face painted bright
I know about those nights
with borrowed boys
Times you brought them home
Pretty little prizes
trophies of your conquest
Had them in our bed
Told them my lies
You thought you were smart
trying to cover tracks
Changing soiled sheets
Deleting messages
You thought you had me fooled
A fool, I always was for you
But fooled – Never
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